Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Best of Paint-your-tongue...

This is the second time I've been to Pangnirtung, and any of you who read my now-deleted blog, know that I fell in love with both the community and the French chef at the Lodge. Yep, I heart Louis, and I don't care if the whole world knows it. Any man who cares that much about my food is all good in my books!!

This time though, I met even more people, and that really is the best part of being in any of the communities. Anyone who knows me will tell you how very much I love to talk, and there is never a shortage of people here who share that passion!

This trip, in addition to getting to know one of the gentlemen from Dorset, I also shared stories with several wonderful teachers, an amazing photographer, a quirky nurse, a dentist and his assistant son, and a jail guard.

Although I have done a lot of walking this trip, the stupid battery in my stupid camera have died. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to take any pics. *le sigh*

I am off again in the morning, this time to Qikiqtarjuaq (say it 10 times fast...), and will hopefully have new batteries for the trip. Hehehe...

Until we meet again...


  1. If you happen to bump into Daisy or Oolana at the hamlet office in Qik...tell them Darcy says hello. Oolana was a student of mine when I taught there.

  2. The SAO Rick Van Horne is origionally a New Brunswicker.

    Us Maritimers like to keep track of each other.

  3. Lol, I would love to say hello to everyone for everyone, but unfortunately I don't go to the Hamlet at all, only to the LHO - sorry guys!!

